> Tea Garden with large factory
> Area - North Bengal
> Location - Dooars in Jalpaiguri district
> Criteria - General Private limited company
> Total Garden Area - 520.11 (Hectare)
> Total Area Under Tea - 378.13 (Hectare)
> Total Annual Tea Production - 27.77 lacs kg.
> Labour Details (D/R) - Men 372, Women 436
> Casual Labour - M 15, W 150
> Sub Staff - 38 , Staff - 4
> Owner Asking Price - 26 crores
- Freehold Price:
- $3,500,000 (USD)
- Lease Asking Price:
- $1M - $5M (USD)
- Sales Revenue:
- $1M - $5M (USD)
- Cash Flow:
- Undisclosed
Property Information
- Real Estate:
Available as lease or with real property included
- Location:
Dooars, Jalpaiguri District, North Bengal
- Size in square feet:
- 520.11 Hectare
Business Operation
- Expansion Potential:
- Competition / Market:
- Employees:
- 42
Other Information
- Lease asking price:
- $1M - $5M (USD)